Debate:  the End of the Middle Ages


Proposition:  The Middle Ages ended around 1500 AD


Medieval Worlds pp. 525-535 presents some basic historical background for this debate.



Background presentations:


Team 1:  Explain the Italian Renaissance.


Team 2:  Explain the Protestant Reformation and its origins.





Team 1:  argue for the Proposition


Team 2:  argue against the Proposition





This is a different sort of debate from the previous ones.  Instead of arguing from primary sources, you are arguing about historical periodization.  Thus, in order to come to a conclusion for or against the proposition, you must consider what you believe the essential features of the Middle Ages were, and how they ended either in or around 1500, or before or after. 


If you are arguing for the proposition, you must determine what historical events or movements could be used to justify this position.

If you are arguing against the proposition, you can say that the Middle Ages ended either before or after 1500.


Elements you might consider are:


            The Renaissance.

            The Protestant Reformation

            The Age of Discovery

            The Print Revolution

            The fall of Byzantium

            The decline of Feudalism